Monday, July 03, 2006


This post is for all those Mom's out there who have chosen against societal pressure and ignorance to breastfeed their babies. Over and over again studies support breast feeding as the best way to nourish your child nutritionally. This is in addition to the studies that show higher cognitive function, better bonding with mother and greater social integration. There are times when breastfeeding can not be the method of choice for nourishing a child but it should be the exception and not the rule. Our society seems to have a problem with this choice and I am not sure why.

I don't know if it is our general lack of respect for mothering and children in our society or something else. Maybe some of you moms would like to post back to me and let me know your thoughts. Anyhow, I wanted to encourage you Mom's that do breastfeed to keep up the good fight and do what is best for your baby. The benefits are really immeasurable and beyond significant. Don't be dissuaded by societies continued attack on your position as expert about your child. Stand strong with the fifteen other Mom's in this article about Victoria's Secrets view of the most important bond of life.

Have a great July 4th and celebrate independence with gusto :)


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article and I can only roll my eyes to how lopsided our societies mentality is on this matter. Pornogrophy is in its all time high, yet we have a problem allowing moms to brestfeed their babies in public. I think it is truly hypocritical to say the least. Most moms that I've seen are very descret about the process and there is not anything offensive about it. I was lucky with my two because I've never ran into any problems when I had to breast feed in public. I also did not care what people thought even if they would have had an issue.


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