Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Chlorine exposure appears to be bad

This study seems to point to enclosed chlorine exposure being a bad thing. I would tend to agree with this sentiment. It seems to me that I also remember a few years ago a study that warned that chlorine in drinking water could also be part of the rise in frequency of heart attacks and arterial plaquing. There are things that you can do to protect yourself. The first is right in your own home. Getting a filter for your shower that has a crystals in it that remove chlorine or filters chlorine would be great. It appears that exposure to heated water steam is where the highest chlorine exposure comes from.

Try this experiment to see what I mean. Get in a really hot shower, shut the shower curtain so that no steam escapes and then try taking a deep breath. You will notice that one will cough fairly violently or can't take a deep breath. This reaction, many believe, is not just due to the heat as many would suppose but due to the airborne chlorine concentration. There are many filters available on the internet. Compare and get one. You will notice the difference in the feeling of your skin and your breathing after a shower. Sure makes a vote for a salt water pool.


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