We Choose our Emotions and not vice versa
I don't have a link on this post but just a thought. My belief is that we choose our emotions and that is what differentiates them from instincts. Instincts are physiologic/neurologic responses that function much like a reflex in the musculoskeletal system. If x happens then y reflex occurs. Now its not quite the same because it does appear that there is a wider range of responses to an instinctual stimulus than to a reflex producing stimulus such as a reflex hammer in a doctors office. However generally the principle holds.
Our emotions on the other hand have are controllable and that control is completely resting with us. I was reminded once more today that we have the power to choose our emotional response no matter what difficult situation we are presented with. This simple concept in my mind separates the men from the boys when it comes to how we operate our lives.
Next time you are presented with a stressful or difficult emotional situation remember that you always have the power to choose your emotional state and that it is not controlled by someone else.
Have a great weekend.